You can make a donation in various different ways. 1. By cheque. Please print out this form and send it to us by post together with your donation. Your gift will be worth more to us if you are a UK tax payer and can take advantage of the Gift Aid scheme. However, if you send us a CAF cheque, Gift Aid cannot be claimed in addition to the sum you give.
2. By telephone. Please call us on +44 1328 823501and have your credit or debit card details to hand.
5. Legacies. Please remember that if you are making a will, this is one of the simplest ways of ensuring that your support for the work of the Yorke Trust continues after your death.
5. Gift Aid. The Yorke Trust can claim Gift Aid on the whole of your donation if you are a UK tax payer and pay a minimum tax equal to the donation in addition to any other Gift Aid commitments you may have. Please tick the appropriate tick-boxes when filling in donation forms to allow the Yorke Trust to claim Gift Aid on your donation. You can download and complete a Gift Aid Declaration gift_aid_declaration_form.pdf
The Yorke Trust | UK Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1158927 | Phone: +44 1328 823501